I don't know what to say, so others might tell me not to write anything. But nobody is saying that aloud right now, so I'm going to do what I want and just type, and see what comes out.
You see, sometimes one doesn't know what to write because one has nothing at all to share (I guess). But other times, like now, for me, it's because it's all locked up in my brain and I don't know how to find the unravelling thread to access it. And it could be that there are many unravelling threads, so the main thing is to TRY to unravel. Or to TRY to express. So that's what I'm doing here, thanks for being so patient with me.
Yesterday I wrote all these interesting things about MOs. And although I don't think I did the most amazing job explaining them, and how they are valuable I'd like to continue along the same theme today. I wonder whether my writing-reluctance comes from feeling sad that I didn't express it all well enough yesterday. So I do hope you'll all forgive me for trying to express things, but possibly leaving you unclear. I hate unclarity. But maybe sometimes it's better to be unclear and know it, than to just leave everything inside in a large, unravelled knot.
The thing about MOs is that they represent an entirely new appoach in energy work. The standard EFT that I've been using is described always in terms of feelings and emotions and pain. Hopes and dreams, wishes and distress.
With these MOs, I'm extending you an invitation to explore POWER issues! Yes, that's right! Power, as in "I can" "I must" "I choose to" and "I want to". Power, as in, why aren't I doing what I planned to? What I could do?
With the energy work I've previously been doing, these power aspects have not been given enough clarity and strength. They're sort of used as the Setup endings, and you pick whichever feels right to you.
Now, I'd like to suggest that we explore how we are treating these ideas and where we feel blocked because of them. However, before we start exploring, it's worth knowing that the MOs can't work unless you also have a subject - the person involved, and an action - the verb involved. So thinking about "can versus should" can be quite meaningless. Yet focusing on "I can set the table" versus "I should set the table" is much more effective.
I'll remind you of the four categories that Steve Andreas described: Necessity, desire, choice and ability.
As you go through your day, or while sitting near your computer say aloud all the four options, especially at times when you feel resistance to something you want to do.
And then, I guess, tap while you're saying it, or focus in deeply. I personally haven't tapped while I said it, because I just mentally focus in on it, and allow any energetic releases to happen. But if you don't know how to do this, or can't, then tap a round for each statement.
The purpose is to discover our hidden beliefs about our abilities and what we feel we ought to do, etc. Sometimes, just discovering our hidden beliefs is enough to disarm them. Other times, further work is needed.
I particularly favor Slow EFT, invented by Silvia Hartmann, I believe, in which you tap on each point until you feel some sort of release happening at that point. Now different people are different, and some people Feel releases, others imagine Seeing them, and others just Know that they have had them, while still others Sense that they've had them.
Some people are very sensitive to releases and can tell when energy is moving, while other people are not sensitive at all to energy fields, and might never understand what releases are. Still other people may have loads of issues that are blocking them from being sensitive to energy release, but as these are resolved, they become very aware of them.
Some people don't experience energy releases, because they're not able to release much energy. There could be many reasons for this. It could be that they may be unconsciously holding their current thought patterns very tightly. It can be very hard for such people to use energy methods to change their thought patterns. This can be because of birth trauma, childhood trauma, allergies, addictions, medication side effects, or other reasons. Not being able to use energy methods is a fact of life for some people, for myriads of possible reasons, and should be respected. It is sometimes changeable. There is also personal choice. Some people, for personal or religious reasons, do not use energy methods. Obviously, this is a matter of personal choice.
For people who don't know when energy is being released, try tapping on each point about 40 times, while breathing gently. At the end of each round, do a slow head roll, wriggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath and stretch out your arms. Say "peace". Also, don't do many rounds without taking a break.
To help increase the awareness of the sensation of energy release, try to be quite relaxed as you tap. Allow energy to be released in whichever form it needs to be released in. So for some it may be through a change in breathing patterns, some people feel a need to stretch, yawn or sigh. Some releases cause people to burp, others to roll one's head or breathe out noisily, or wiggle their toes. I know of a few cases when people felt inclined to scream, and once when someone vomited (that was me, but it was someone else's problem!). And lots of people laugh or giggle, or suddenly get very distracted and bored.
Sometimes releases are immediate, other times they happen a little while later. It's good to gradually recognize what releases feel like because it can help you make energy work much faster and more targeted, or understand when there is resistance in the system and be more able to explore that resistance. It's a personalized results system that doesn't lie!
You don't have to let the energy release if you choose not to. Yet, if one 'goes with the flow' and allows these body sensations to come to fruition, one often feels a tremendous sense of relief in the body, and also in the issue one was working on.
To know how you feel about something, I advise you to say the statement aloud, or in your brain, as if you really mean it. Then notice what thoughts arise. eg: "What nonsense", or "That's true", or "that's what my parents always said, but can I challenge it?" This is what I mean by 'tasting' the sentence. Immerse yourself in it, for a moment, to see what it means to you.
I personally do not tap while 'tasting' these statements, I just think about them whilst checking in my body if there is any release waiting to take place, and then I let it go. It is usually in the form of stretching, long outer breaths. And the issue feels resolved and I feel empowered as a result - or at least I gain a new perspective on what I was thinking about. Some people may not believe this.
If you can explore the MOs and make thought-pattern changes without using any form of energy work, or with other energy methods, I'd be very interested to learn how to do it. Please leave a comment!
As I mentioned in a previous post, it is also very interesting to mix together two or more MOs in a sentence, and see how you react to that. It's also good to notice interactions between different people. Try out these sentences by tasting how they feel:
- "I would like to be able to choose how to behave when someone says something that I do not like to hear",
- "he has to (choose to) do exactly what I say (need)"
- "I cannot choose how he chooses to talk to me"
- "I cannot yet choose how I speak to myself - I'm stuck to copying how others speak to me - but I would like to be able to choose to speak to myself gently".
I have a few important points to make here:
1) it is important to be well hydrated - but not over hydrated when doing any type of brain or energy work.
2) Regularly taking Omega 3 supplements is also very useful for any type of thinking, dealing with thought patterns, or calming work. If you're Jewish, check if your brand is Kosher.
3) WARNING: Energy releases can sometimes help you uncover an unrelated very deep issue, that you've been in denial about. The issue may be very important, and accessing it can make you DEPRESSED, UNMOTIVATED, SCARED, SHIVERY, etc. You may not be aware of what is is that is causing you to feel this way.
As I said in the disclaimer below, I can't take responsibility for your use of my ideas. I don't know your issues, I don't know what you may have repressed, and I'm not often available to help you sort it out. I believe that if you keep tapping you will find resolution, but this may take MANY MONTHS OF TAPPING - if you're doing it on your own! There are lots of ways to tap and release which are faster, more meaningful, more guided, more gentle, and more direct - yet you don't necessarily have the experience to know these. So doing it alone might set you up for a rough time.
In the meantime, if you get depressed, you'll need support and help, physically and emotionally! So if you do what I've suggested in this posting, and explore all these issues, please remember that everyone needs lots of guidance. We bang into corners often as we try to sort out our own issues. I do think that there are always solutions, but they are not always so easy to find, especially for the person who is suffering. Many of us have a tendency to be VERY HARD on ourselves, and thus we tend to deal with our issues in a very ROUGH and painful way, unless a loving practitioner helps us do otherwise.
The reason I have posted the above about MOs and energy releases is because I think that it is very liberating to discover our inconsistencies. For example, it's nice to know that we were believing that "I must - therefore I don't want to". I think it is empowering.
But although for me, at my stage of development, this is empowering, yet for you, it may be dispowering, so please remember to only do these things if you will also take responsibility for the consequences. Because they might be really bad. I'm not saying this only to protect myself legally, but because I care about you.
Energy work is powerful WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT, and WHETHER YOU FEEL ENERGETIC RELEASES OR NOT. Opening yourself up to self-introspection is best done with the support of a paid practitioner or at least a guided support group.
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