Turn it around.

I don't know much about Byron Katie and her Work, but I have read her 4 questions, and her idea about using a turnaround.

Using MOs also invites turnarounds. Today, I was lying down, and I needed to do loads of stuff.

So I said to myself:
"I must get up, but I don't want to" I thought that this might help me process what was going on in me, but to no avail. So then a lightbulb went off in my brain, and I thought to try to Turn it Around.

So I said:
"I want to get up, but I'm not allowed to". I tasted that statement. And do you know what? It was more accurate than the first statement. Because I did want to get up. And I also had a little inner child that perhaps needed nurturing. And when I did nurture her (she was five and had been treated very badly by her teacher, and was still miserable today), I found that I actually was able to get up.

What do you say?

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