EFT and doing regular things

One way of using EFT is to do it often, about your thoughts and feelings through the day. Gradually you learn what EFT can do for you easily and what is more complicated. You might as well take advantage of the easy stuff! Additionally, you learn to integrate EFT into the rest of your life. Because life doesn't only include making changes in your psyche, in your health and in your brain, which are what EFT does. Sometimes, we need to take other sorts of active steps in our lives too. I mean, we always need to do other stuff in our life. We have relationships, things to do, things to take care of, goals, ambitions and responsibilities. EFT can help us do these things better, but it will not usually do these things for us!

EFT can help people develop a positive outlook, can remove meaningless blocks, and most importantly, can help a person choose what to do, and then help them to actually do what they chose. So many of us just sort of flow through life, falling on ideas as they arrive and doing whatever society expects us to do, with a little help from our basic desires. Becoming a human, an individual is so important for long term satisfaction.

But it won't happen with EFT alone - nor is it likely to happen in a life that does not include energy work. It's like walking through a fog. You need to do two things - clear the fog, and then walk in the direction you want to go to. EFT helps clear the fog, but you won't have energy to keep clearing fogs unless you also think about what you want to do with clarity, and then do it!

Having said all that, EFT will likely take large chunks of time in the beginning as we suddenly realize that it is possible to get to know ourselves better, to improve relationships, and to search for better ways, better goals, and honestly, to become better people. It's not so much what we create, but what we discover, and then we can direct our efforts better according to what is really real.

If you thought you're generous, and find out that it was partly generosity, and partly a compulsion to please, and partly not caring for oneself, and partly not caring about the future, and partly trying to buy friendship, you will have a better idea of where you're really up to. Then, if it is your goal to be as generous as you had thought you were, you can devise tactics to become that way, or to define exactly how generous you think it is valuable to be, while how much is taking away from something else important to you.

Knowledge and true understanding are a very valuable tools in self-growth. Use EFT on your actual thoughts and feelings, just say them and tap, and watch which thoughts survive because they are really you, and which dissipate, because they were never you.

So, all my love


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