Things I've learnt about energy work

EFT can be very helpful when used on past issues, clearing our attitude towards them until we feel FREE in the present from the trauma of the past.

EFT can also be very helpful when used about our future. What do you think might happen tomorrow? How do you feel about it? Well, if there is dread or bad feeling there, we can use EFT to help clarify what will happen, what might happen, where we can make changes, where we can't, and of course, to feel more positive about it. Ditto for events further into the future.

And finally, EFT can be tremendously helpful when dealing with the present. It can be applied towards our thoughts about ourselves as well as to our thoughts about others, including both family members and people we met or thought of today. It can also be applied to feelings, emotions and beliefs, as well as thoughts.

What is the difference between thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs? Well, the following is not written in stone, but is just some idea of it. An example of a thought is "Do I really love and accept myself?" An example of a feeling is "I feel awful today". The person is quite sure of how they feel, but with EFT they realize that they could possibly feel better. An example of an emotion is "I hate him!!" It's rather like a feeling, but it's much deeper felt. For example, we don't believe it's possible to change our attitude towards someone else, even if we know rationally that perhaps the person is not acting so bad intentionally. An example of a belief is "It really can't be any other way." I guess this is more about a situation not being changeable.

Each of these thought patterns can be challenged with EFT to hopefully reflect reality better, and create a happier and more productive present and future for ourselves. Even the past will feel brighter when we manage to escape from unhealthy attitudes, since our changes occured because we cared about moving away from distress, and towards health. The past is reframed as part of a positive journey.

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