
Well, this post is my views today about weakness.

Weakness is a terrible thing. I mean, it can help us to act in very negative ways, ways that we don't wish to. It can even make us depressed. Pure plain physical weakness does a lot of damage.

I wonder why weakness was invented? Perhaps it indicates that one has some sort of conflict, a really important conflict and it must be addressed before anything else. So maybe that's why it encourages us to act so bad.

Is weakness caused by eating the wrong foods? Well, it's not very clear. I have two thoughts: Either it is not caused by illness or the wrong foods, or it is! You see, weakness could be a symptom of a disease, or a symptom of a disease being cured (according to what I understand from meta-medicine).

Yesterday, I was really, really weak, and it could have been related to that I had been taking GSE, which fights bacteria and fungi. So if the disease was that these bacteria and fungi had built up in me, then the weakness from taking the GSE might have been to do with releasing the disease. A repair stage. Some say that candida releases toxins as they die.

On the other hand, I also had a lot of inner conflict yesterday as I did a lot of energy work about very significant things. Perhaps the weakness was the aftershock of the energy release.

Yet, in my opinion, neither of these is the truth, I think, because the weakness wasn't a peaceful weakness but a sort of highly distressed weakness. Since it felt so awful, I tend to think that the weakness was telling me: "You're close, but you haven't got there yet. There's still something important you have to address!" And indeed, late at night, I realized something really important, tapped for it, and this morning I woke up feeling much better.

If you want to know what it was to do with a 'vow' or belief I'd held for many years, see Chip Englemann's articles on releasing vows.

Was the weakness a prerequisite to discovering this vow? Did all the tapping for weakness and moodiness guide me in uncovering it? Or was it just fluke that I finally thought of it?

Today, as I said, I've been feeling much better, although not exactly energetic. But I can move around. Suddenly a friend phoned me, and as I spoke to her I felt my energy just dissipate until I was sitting - then lying - on the couch. I just couldn't move.

We got to speaking about EFT, which she doesn't know much about and I explained to her how tapping the KC point
helps a person to make peace between their two parts. For example, if one part wants to be kind to a child, but another part wants to be horrid (for some reason, eg because they don't want the child to take advantage of them) then tapping the KC point can help find a resolution between the two parts, eg "I will be kind, but then I am going to my room for ten minutes of quiet time"; or "I will be horrid, but I will be reassuring to the child at the same time".

As I described the effect that tapping the KC can have, even without words, in resolving inner conflicts, I tapped on my own KC. Suddenly, I found myself off the couch and ready to deal with the wet laundry.

What had happened? Why did I get all tired when speaking to her, and what got resolved? I would really like to know.

However, I will do a little experiment. I'm right now writing and don't seem to have energy for much more than this. So I'm going to try to stop writing and instead try tapping on my KC and see if that makes a difference. Thanks for reading!

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